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Why I Write

First published on SheThePeople here I write because I need to write. I can’t go without it for too long. It’s my second love, my...

The Entrepreneurial Gene

First published on Youth Ki Awaaz here The year was 1498, the place, well once can’t really be sure but somewhere near Tanzania. A tired...

Who is left to pick the pieces?

First published in The Sunday Guardian here Inspiration is the springboard for creativity. Elusive as it may be in nature, it propels a...

The Sound of Silence

Sounds of everything. Or those of nothingness. Noises of things man-made meant to aide or entertain, entering my world without consent....

India: A Survivor's Guide

My American friends, Fussball and Zealot (names changed to convey personality traits) had just returned from a long vacation to India so...

Why Do Men Roar?

My dining choices are frequently dictated by weather rather than cravings or hunger. For instance, three consecutive rainy nights = time...

Where is My Religion Taking Me?

Starbucks. San Francisco. A sluggish Friday afternoon. A sugar-free non-fat cappuccino and momentary lapse of control that leads to a...

#wokeuplikethis #blessed

Unless you live in a sorority or a glossy magazine you have no visibility into what the real world for perpetually put-together women...

My Inner Critic

I drag myself to a yoga class I hadn’t tried before—Hatha Yoga. My bar was pretty low. As long as the room was not unnaturally heated...

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